Calligram/Letter to myself



Dear me in the future,

How did it turn out? Did you get that pie in the sky goal? If not, are you still aiming for it? Have you gotten close at all to directing an actual feature? Do the films we hold highly in 2020 still hold up in 2040? In 2020, I want to work in so many different avenues, with various genres of narrative storytelling as well as documentary. Did that ghost investigation idea ever go anywhere, or was it just a waste of time? Was our theory correct on the way they can move through time and location? I imagine that so much can change when my life has been doubled, especially when much of my early life has years I don’t remember. Was the education and years of studying worth the payoff of the life that you have in 2040? I suppose the only real question is if you’re happy with what you’re doing, with the knowledge you possess that I do not yet. I just hope, if anything, you were able to master different types of cameras, their lenses, and how to use their functions like ISO and shutter speed. Did you ever have kids? If so, were they adopted? I already know that so many things can change in such a small amount of time. If we end up not in the field of entertainment, I hope what we are doing is with those we love. Did anything happen with those TikTok and YouTube accounts we spent so much time on in quarantine or was it all just time killers? TikTok and YouTube will either be immortal gods or completely irrelevant in 2040, with either one or the other. Remember when the government was trying to ban TikTok? Did that ever work out for them? Did you go to a city, or did you move back to the rural areas of the vast wooded Pennsylvania mountains? How did mom and dad react to your life? I guess what I should really ask is if you ever got the right diagnosis and medication for whatever attention disorder we definitely have, which I now see is very apparent when looking back at this letter.

Artist statement:

I created my piece using words pulled from my letter. I used the words to create the shape of a film camera because I spent a semester learning how to capture images on film, as well as spending time in a dark room to process them with projectors, lights, and chemical baths. I spent this semester majoring in photography as the art institute I originally went to, PrattMWP did not a film program. While I spend two semesters studying a major that I did not want to follow full-heartedly, with my second semester at that institute being digital photography, I am glad I spent an academic year there as it gave me more skills than I would have otherwise.


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