
Showing posts from October, 2020

Logo Tag

For my tag, I updated my logo a little bit because I was not completely happy with the original design, and I have even updated it since posting this. I wanted to make sure that the design was able to pop out and not become blurred out due to the lack of color diversity. For the overlaying colors, I chose a cyan-like blue as well as yellow, allowing the combination to create a nice dark green effect as with yellow outlines, but also allowing the logo's white face to remain the same. I also wanted to show what the design would have looked like in it's the original black and white version that was used before adding the colors.   

Climbing Sierra


Self Portrait Poster

 For my poster design idea, I chose to tackle the idea of the paranormal and becoming an advocate for the existence of ghosts. In the past few decades, society has become more open with sharing stories of the paranormal, whether experienced firsthand, stories passed down, or even instances that are recorded on photos and videos. When beginning the design of my poster, I thought of the anti-terrorist ads that came up after 9/11, with the line "If you see something, say something." I wanted to use this line, but I decided that it would give the wrong impression due to how long it's been linked to preventing terrorism. I decided to go with the lines "Seeing things? You are not alone!" I believe this sums up my overall idea well, as it is a double entendre. the line "you are not alone" could mean other people who have experienced ghost encounters, as well as the ghosts themselves who may be around anyone at any time. Due to the minimal amount of colors tha...


For the final design, I chose to create the image of a ghost coming out of a projector. My idea behind the design is a kind of production company which I've nicknamed "Beamergeist," which roughly translates "projector ghost" in German, as well as a play on the word "Poltergeist," which is used to describe a ghost that can move and throw objects.  Cinema is referred to as the "material ghost" because of the unique aspect of the art medium, as well as some films can be referred to as a "zeitgeist" for capturing the curing mood of society and the feeling of the audience at the time of its release with its themes and messages. The logo is also reminiscent of the movie Ghostbusters , with how the ghosts in that movie would be trapped/controlled in a box, similar to how films are controlled in the format they are displayed in. I chose to do this design because I love filmmaking and the creativity that can come with different production st...

Calligram/Letter to myself

  Letter: Dear me in the future, How did it turn out? Did you get that pie in the sky goal? If not, are you still aiming for it? Have you gotten close at all to directing an actual feature? Do the films we hold highly in 2020 still hold up in 2040? In 2020, I want to work in so many different avenues, with various genres of narrative storytelling as well as documentary. Did that ghost investigation idea ever go anywhere, or was it just a waste of time? Was our theory correct on the way they can move through time and location? I imagine that so much can change when my life has been doubled, especially when much of my early life has years I don’t remember. Was the education and years of studying worth the payoff of the life that you have in 2040? I suppose the only real question is if you’re happy with what you’re doing, with the knowledge you possess that I do not yet. I just hope, if anything, you were able to master different types of cameras, their lenses, and how to use their fu...