Digital Media, Blog #1 - Internet / World Wide Web

     The Internet is a connection of cables and servers that are able to communicate vast amounts of information all over the world within seconds. Acting like highways, cables span entire countries and even under oceans to connect computers and servers that are thousands of miles apart. The Internet was created by the US Department of Defense, acting as a way to communicate and collaborate with different universities and corporations for research in the late 1960s called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). However, the system was gaining new users and needed more perfection, like addresses of computers could change and the means of communicating one computer to another needed a more streamlined process. The Internet's creation is now credited to scientists Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf, who developed the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol systems in the 1970s, which was then implemented with the ARPANET in the 1980s as an improved form of communication and identification between all computers, which is still used to this day. 

    However, the internet is not the same as what is referred to as the World Wide Web. While the Internet may be the infrastructure connecting all computers to each other, the World Wide Web is the information itself that is being transported. If the Internet was the veins in a person's body, the World Wide Web was the blood. Using a set of Uniformed Resource Locaters (URL) and hyperlinks, pages of text and information can be shared between computers and servers. This system was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 while employed at the European Organization of Nuclear, and by August of 1991, the Web was available for public usage. 

    The first website to be publicly made available was, whose purpose was to be able to set an example for how information and documents can be transmitted and shared around the world. this website was also created by Tim Berners-Lee.

Sources used:,and%20how%20to%20use%20it.


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